Love Letter from my Family in Heaven

The Southern California wildfires had been on my mind and heart. With close friends in harm’s way, I spent a lot of time checking in on them. One evening, as I was cleaning up after dinner, I heard an inner voice call my nickname, “Raquella.” I immediately felt Mom’s presence. Though she left her physical…

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We Live in Heaven Even While on Earth

What if you could connect heart-to-heart with someone you love who has passed from this world? Since our essence is love and we are eternal, I’ve discovered that those who cared for us while alive in the physical world continue to love and support us from the other side. By opening our hearts to their…

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A dream so real – and one with a dear friend

Have you ever dreamt so vividly it seemed like real life? Perhaps a helpful or prophetic message came through. History is brimming with examples of people getting help, support, inspiration, healing, direction, and more through their dreams. These last two years I have been writing a book about how to open to personal wisdom, access…

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Heavenly Message from a Friend through a Cardinal Snow Globe

Cardinal Snow Globe

  Yesterday, a simple shopping trip with a friend’s daughter turned into something much more. Jessi wanted an extra special gift for her mom. Her beloved Dad, Chuck, had passed away in his sleep two months ago. She wanted a gift to express the family’s continuing love for him, and she wanted to help her…

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A Gift of Love Wrapped in Fear

Cardinal mates peering at you

It’s a sunny, chilly November morning. I’m getting ready for a spiritual exercise, appreciating the beauty of the late Fall colors, and watching the birds breakfasting at our bird feeder. Suddenly, as if escaping some unseen predator, they shelter in the large bush at our front window. “We are like that too, darling,” I perceive…

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Divine Patience and Love—Unchained Melody

This is one of a series of conversations with my family on the other side of the veil. They began years ago. Because I pay attention and have agreed to capture my family’s communications in writing, the love and guidance continue to pour forth. My blogs in this series are part of a book that…

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My Husband’s Angst… and Love from my Family

For years, I have been aware that when I feel any strong feelings, it helps to express them in writing to release the feelings and get a higher perspective. I have a remarkable process that I follow for this, and the results always amaze me. Today I felt frustration from my husband Dave, even though…

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Dialogue with Dad About Communicating with Loved Ones in Heaven

Often, I sit in quiet contemplation and connect with my family who are already in the heavenly worlds. These conversations regularly astonish me, revealing information that I never knew and wisdom I have never considered. It began at a time in my life when I needed help and guidance. Some of these blogs are included…

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