This is one of a series of conversations with my family on the other side of the veil. They began years ago. Because I pay attention and have agreed to capture my family’s communications in writing, the love and guidance continue to pour forth. My blogs in this series are part of a book that I am writing to honor these communications.
As I sit quietly, ready to receive the inner wisdom that I trust will flow into my awareness, I perceive inwardly the faces of some of my heavenly family—Grandma Minna and her mother, Baba.
Grandma Minna begins: “We originate from love divine. You want to know your higher Self and your true home.” I hear her voice and smile as she continues endearingly. “You see, darling, that is the whole purpose of our visits. Where is the Source of this Love so true? That is what we are here to discuss.
“If you wish to envision any special place, this can be where we begin today.”
I imagine a heavenly scene in a tropical paradise—green vegetation that turns into manicured lawns and a lake with swans. We are now sitting in a park-like setting.
“Sometimes it takes a little effort—using your imagination to get things started. That is the way of things here,” I hear from Pop, my maternal grandfather.
These visits come at various times, some more convenient than others. “I wish to stay in this lovely refrain—this comfort—but I have to leave for now,” I reply. I have to take Eric to school and run some errands but it is hard to pull myself away. “I wish I could remain but perhaps I can carry this sweet space with me.”
“You can come back here anytime, my darling. Love is always here,” my great grandmother reassures me as she points to my heart.
I can see and hear these things clearly, but this skill has developed with practice over time. When they first began, I wondered if these conversations were all my imagination, but then my grandmother began to tell me things that I could verify, things I had no way of knowing. I don’t consider this channeling, and I am not a medium. It is simply a conversation, as if the veil to the other side is so thin as to be almost nonexistent.
After dropping my son off at school, I park at a nearby nature preserve and listen to the sound of HU play on the car’s CD player. This sound calms my heart and helps open my awareness and sense of perception. A mix of sleet and rain is gently coming down as the nearby river winds along its course.
“Do you want to continue where we left off?” my grandmother gently asks inwardly.
“I would love to, Gram,” I reply, reflecting on the sweetness I feel. It’s as if I am listening to this melody of HU for the first time as I relax even more. The sound fills the space around me with its beauty.
“Dear Rhondala, the wisdom that we are sharing with you is not just our own; it is a compilation of many Souls who are waiting to share what they know; giving what they have poured their hearts into,” Gram states as she passes me the proverbial book of Inner wisdom. It is a large book that looks ancient, but it is in exquisite condition.
I want to enter this world more deeply, so I spend a moment or two imagining I am again at the park with swans gracefully gliding across the peaceful lake. My family is all around as I take in the love and beauty in all I perceive. The flowers, especially the rhododendron, are colorful, and there is a faint sound of tinkling bells or chimes in the air. I breathe in the heavenly scent of perfume as I open this special book, and then perceive my grandmother continuing to talk to me.
“We have waited a long time to share this wisdom with one of our own—a Soul open to this blessing—this moment. Not everyone is so open or ready to hear the wisdom from the other side. Yet, it has been our wish to connect with our human family so we can give the gift of the virtues. Virtues are divine love in action. That is how to bring heaven to earth as a gift to our human family.
“What are the virtues? They are a compilation of all that is good and right. The highest of which is patience. Patience is like the salve on a wound—it promotes the healing of time and a gracefulness of heart. When you can wait and allow—allow what the Divine has to offer—wait for Its plan, then anything can be tolerated.
“Many a world was created with great care, and thus patience helped to withstand the vagaries of perpetual change. As you know, change occurs all the time and is the only constant. Yet it is important that we maintain a deep knowing that the Divine has everyone’s very best at heart, at every moment. With patience, this truth will prove itself. It may not appear to be true to one’s perspective at certain times, but with time and patience, we get to see and understand the bigger picture.
“We were once like you, running, worrying, and rushing about. Now, we can say that our patience with waiting to share this message has been fruitful—it has allowed for more voices to share in the message.
“With patience comes tolerance and acceptance of what is. Everything continues to evolve spiritually, and outer changes sometimes may take many, many years to transpire, incrementally. So Divine tolerance is at our core. It is part of our true spiritual nature.
“But perhaps we are getting ahead of our ourselves. It is our divine birthright to learn and develop our higher spiritual senses. And there is a roadmap how to do this. The book you are holding teaches that patience must be a daily practice, and perhaps we should leave you with an exercise to help you develop this further.
“When you are with a friend or loved one—notice them—really see the gift of who they are in your life. Listen—really listen to them—not just their words, but also listen to their heart. See how they are bringing their gift of love into your life. It is our divine intention to celebrate and honor each Soul who graces our lives.
“For every Soul in the earth world, it may be helpful to understand that none of us have ever truly left the heavenly worlds—it just seems so. We may enter another plane of existence for experience and yet never completely leave the inner worlds at all. And when we return to these inner worlds, that is why they feel like home.
“Love is the connecting link; it provides us the highway home by way of our hearts. Love Divine is our calling, the way, and the gift to share. May we all continue to breathe in the love that is with us and is us.”
I am surprised to notice suddenly that I have gone back in time to the tender age of five, when I danced on stage as part of a children’s performance. The girl next to me shoved me, and I, in my innocence, shoved her back. The audience roared with laughter. Why am I thinking about this?
“Just a fun interlude,” I perceive my maternal grandmother saying. “Even when life seems to push you—there is no real harm done. So, why not have fun?” The laughter is what I needed. I smile. The lessons of the day are so reassuring and I feel I would love to stay in this wise and loving council forever. Then, I discover that my son has left his lunchbox in the car. I get to practice patience immediately—as I must leave and drive to return the delicious package that he packed himself. Such is the way of life. Lessons upon lessons. And gifts upon gifts. Such is the way of love.
Later that day, as I stopped to read and contemplate the wisdom shared by my family from the heavenly worlds, I got a strong nudge to google “unchained melody.” I am reminded that this is the title of a wonderful song—one of the most recorded love songs of the 20th century. It was written in 1955, but the most famous version was recorded by the Righteous Brothers in 1965 and Elvis Presley performed this ballad in what was billed as “a performance of a lifetime,” six weeks before his death in 1977. Just reading the words brings tears to my eyes. And how appropriate it seems that this song became the featured song in the film Ghost in 1990.
Oh, my love, my darling
I’ve hungered for your touch
A long, lonely time
And time goes by so slowly
And time can do so much
Are you still mine?
I need your love
I need your love
God speed your love to me
Lonely rivers flow
To the sea, to the sea
To the open arms of the sea, yeah
Lonely rivers sigh
“Wait for me, wait for me”
I’ll be coming home, wait for me…
This song of love is a testimony of an undying love that connects us all. Those who have left this plane of existence are still here for us. Love is forever, and love is the ultimate highway home.