We Live in Heaven Even While on Earth

What if you could connect heart-to-heart with someone you love who has passed from this world? Since our essence is love and we are eternal, I’ve discovered that those who cared for us while alive in the physical world continue to love and support us from the other side.

By opening our hearts to their love, we can hear their messages through a process my husband and I call Writing for Discovery. Sometimes I get an unexpected inner visitor, and when this happens, I quickly get my journal to capture what I perceive.

One evening…

One evening, I began to feel the presence of my maternal grandmother, who had passed several decades ago. As I enter my bedroom to retire for the evening, her loving essence is unmistakable. 

“Hi, Gram, what a gift to feel you here with me! What’s new in heaven?” 

“You, dear,” I hear her reply. 

“Why are you saying this, Gram? I’m right here,” I say. 

I hear her familiar laugh as she continues speaking. “My darling, you are only partially there. You’re mostly over here, don’t you know?”

My mind is having a hard time understanding this. “I know that who I really am is Soul. And though I can journey and visit different heavens, I’m still very much alive.”

Grandma rolls up her sleeves…

In my inner vision, I see Gram sitting on a stump in a beautiful grove of trees. She begins to roll up her sleeves. 

“My darling Rhonda, let me explain. When you come to live on Earth, you’re not entirely living there in only your body. You’re also here absorbing the divine current of love more fully from the heart of God. You are constantly in the presence of God’s love no matter where your physical body may be. That’s how we can easily communicate because you’re also here.”

I reply, “That may not be the easiest thing to wrap my mind around, but I do believe you. I think that’s why we dream. We’re also living in paradise while in this world, and our dreams are both experiences and our memories in the inner realms. I’m grateful you confirmed this, Gram.”

Suddenly other heavenly family members arrive for a visit. My paternal grandparents are smiling at me as everyone gathers for what feels like a family reunion. 

Party time…

My dad is among us and says, “Rhonda, how is my wonderful daughter?”

“Oh, Dad,” I respond, “it’s so good to see you and everyone. The whole family misses you so much!”

I look over to see a long, wooden picnic table covered with food. My heavenly family is gathered around it. Their laughter fills the air, and they clink glasses to toast one another.

Holding up her glass, my paternal grandmother declares, “We wish to celebrate one another, and we’d especially like to honor my precious granddaughter. Our Rhondala has graciously agreed to share her gifts so others may also discover their own inner communications with their loved ones from this side.” 

She turns to me and says, “We’re so happy for you, darling. You have brought us much nachas [Yiddish for pride in family accomplishments].  

“Here’s wishing many blessings to you and everyone you touch. To life!” 

Now musicians appear and begin playing klezmer music, an old European style. I watch in delight as some of my family members enjoy a circle dance and also move together as couples.  

Two of my cousins, Carol and Bernice, approach me. “You’re glowing,” says Carol. “But I can see you’re tired,” Bernice adds.

We also live in paradise…

I answer, “Well, I guess I’ll go to sleep now, and we can continue visiting in my dreams. I always like a good party, especially if I don’t have to clean up!” We chuckle as I begin to doze off.

As I enter dreamland, my last thoughts are, Heaven is our true home. Even while we’re here on Earth, we also live in paradise.

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