Love Letter from my Family in Heaven

The Southern California wildfires had been on my mind and heart. With close friends in harm’s way, I spent a lot of time checking in on them.

One evening, as I was cleaning up after dinner, I heard an inner voice call my nickname, “Raquella.” I immediately felt Mom’s presence. Though she left her physical body years ago, she is still very much alive and checks in now and then—often bringing other crossed-over family members with her.

“Rhonda, we’re all here!” Mom’s voice was filled with excitement. “We’ve been waiting weeks to share our latest discoveries with you and your family!”

Realizing I might forget the details, I grabbed my laptop to transcribe our conversation using a process I call Writing for Discovery™.

Had it really been weeks since we last connected?

“Mom, my dear family, I’m sorry if I’ve been out of touch. I’d love to hear what you want to share.”

“Rhondala, this is your Great-Grandfather Morris,” came another familiar voice. “We’re wondering why we’re only getting a quick brush-up. Aren’t we worth more than a few minutes now and then?”

His words gave me pause. Am I approaching these conversations as if I already know what they’ll say?

“I love you all,” I said sincerely. “I never want to give the impression that I don’t have time for you. I always cherish these moments with you.”

Grandma Minna spoke up next. “Rhondala my dear granddaughter, we are sharing priceless gems that can help you and others. What you do with them is up to you.”

Then, in one unified voice, my family shared a truth that resonated deeply:

Love isn’t for a select few, dear one. It’s for anyone willing to open their heart to it.

Mom gently brought my attention back. “Rhon, when we were on Earth, we rushed from one thing to the next, just like everyone else. But now, we can see what you need—reassurance. May I offer a perspective that might put your mind at ease?”

The stress of current events certainly had been weighing on me. “Absolutely. I’d love a new perspective.”

Mom took my inner hand and said, “We will see you and your loved ones through this. That’s true for everyone’s heavenly family and guardians. Your losses are our losses because we are all connected. You might wonder how we can feel your emotions when we exist in a realm of immense love. But what do you think love really is?”

I thought for a moment. “Love is compassion. It’s feeling others’ pain when they hurt and their joy when they thrive.”

“Exactly,” she said. “When you were born, you carried a natural joy from above. You would wake up smiling and laughing—something not all babies do. Every soul brings qualities to help them navigate life. Joy is part of who you really are, and you can always tap into it by shifting your attention. What are you grateful for in this moment?”

I reflected on her words, and recalled how I’d recently faced a health crisis that left me wondering if I would survive. I had asked for guidance with all my heart, remaining open to any answer. That night, in a dream, my inner guide told me to reach out to a practitioner I knew and ask about remote healing. I’d never heard of that before, but I trusted the message. When I called the doctor the next morning, he immediately understood. “Not only do I know about remote healing,” he said, “but it’s also what I do.” That moment marked the start of my recovery. Today, I am profoundly grateful to be alive.

Amid my remembrance, Grandma spoke again. “We are all learning and growing, just as you are. You opened your heart and received an answer—that’s how we all truly learn. You can also ask us questions that open the door to knowledge beyond the mind. Would you like an example?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Think of something you want to know and ask.”

I thought for a moment. “What do you do to help souls in heaven, and is there something we can learn from it?”

Grandfather Pop answered. “Much like the human body has specialized cells that rush to heal an injury, we have souls here who assist those in need. Unlike Earth, though, help is always available the moment it’s asked for. That’s the difference—you just have to ask, and the support is there.”

He continued, “So when you face a challenge, remember that we are here along with your inner guides. The more people awaken to their true nature, the more love flows. Imagine if everyone lived in a way that was fully present, giving, and aware of their connection to each other. Wouldn’t that transform your world?”

“Absolutely,” I said.

“Then begin each day by checking in with your helpers. Ask your question. Whether it’s about something new or just to get a reminder, love will see you through.”

As our conversation came to a close, I felt lighter. Their presence was a reminder that love and support are always available—we just need to be open to it.

This letter from my heavenly family came at the perfect time—just before Valentine’s Day.

I’m honored to share it with you. May it bring you comfort and insight, too.

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